Q: My small business needs help. What can you do?
A: Many small business people have a box full of receipts from the last year (or two years, three years, and even more!). I can help you get all your files and papers in order for your bookkeeper or tax preparer. I can either come in on a regular basis to keep your files orderly and up to date, or we can do it all at once at the end of the year. I can also help you put systems in place to avoid this kind of mess in the future!
Q: My storage space has become my Pile Of Denial! How can I make this space useful again?
A: I can either provide support to you while you organize your space, or I can come in and put everything ship shape, with everything labeled and on a map! I can take on as much or as little of the project as you need.
Get Organized. Stay Healthy!
"Marni was a lifesaver!"
~ Bryant H